Contact Center Complaint Management

A comprehensive approach to complaint management.​

Protect your organization from reputational, financial, and compliance risks with a comprehensive AI-driven complaint management solution.

Proactively protect your organization

Identify and act on risk​

Uncover and remediate consumer complaints before they impact your business.

Mitigate potential regulatory fines​

Easily report on your compliance status to regulators.

Boost efficiencies and CX​

Identify product or process issues that lead to complaints.

Automate complaint management with AI.​

Consumer complaints have high stakes for companies, particularly those in regulated industries such as financial services. Regulators rely on complaints to gauge how well an organization is fulfilling its obligation to customers. For organizations, the risk extends well beyond regulatory compliance and fines, it also includes potential reputational damage resulting from any negative publicity. An automated complaint management program powered by artificial intelligence will mitigate these risks.

Turn complaints into customer success with Enlighten AI.​

Enlighten AI for Complaint Management helps organizations save millions of dollars in regulatory fines, improve efficiencies, and increase customer satisfaction. Enlighten AI analysis is operationalized as part of a comprehensive analytics program, providing organizations with the ability to turn customer complaints into an opportunity to strengthen CX.

Never miss a single complaint again.

Harnessing the power of the industry’s largest interaction dataset along with 20 years of industry experience,
Enlighten AI’s purpose-built complaint models deliver an accurate and consistent analysis of all interactions.

Identify and classify complaints

Accurately classify the complaint type including multiple tiers of categorization and determines the root cause to prevent future complaints.

Automate a closed-loop process

Streamline your complaint management program with a complete solution that identifies and classifies every interaction that contains a complaint and automates a closed-loop remediation and reporting process.

Analyze root causes

Identify the root cause of every single non-compliant interaction and automatically assign them for review using a remediation workflow.

Track progress with a built-in audit trail

Improve the ability to demonstrate a comprehensive complaint management program for regulatory bodies with built-in complaint management audit trail documents and complaint resolution tracking.

“Automated remediation workflows and
regulatory reporting remove the chaos from
complaint management.”

Analyst leader

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