Automated agent summaries

goodbye to agent notes forever.

Reduce costs, improve agent productivity and boost CX with fast and accurate generative AI-powered summaries for every interaction.

Eliminate manual notetaking with the power of generative AI.

Fast notes and instant savings

just one minute of time spent on single summary for millions of intractionscan cost you millionsand leave th enext agentgussing what happend

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Save on costly manual notetaking.

Learn how Enlighten AutoSummary reduces costs, improves productivity, and provides relevant information to the next agent, enabling seamless customer experiences.

Transform scattered notes into clear, concise summaries.

Using generative AI, Enlighten AutoSummary delivers data-driven agent notes that include customer intents, actions, and outcomes in real-time.

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Provide contextual data

Ensure the next agent has context to pick up right where the last one left off.

Eliminate manual notetaking

Empower agents to focus on delivering personalized service and not tedious notetaking.

No expertise required

Deliver accurate notetaking with the ease of an out-of-the-box solution, requiring no training of models.

Simplify agent tools

Work seamlessly with any CRM or transcription source.

Adapt to your conversation

Leveraging machine learning, the automated notes dynamically adapt to customer conversations, ensuring consistently high accuracy levels.

Monitor all commitments

Use summary data as part of a comprehensive analytics program to ensure that promised actions and outcomes, such as callbacks, have been scheduled.
“Ensuring agents are satisfied and empowered in their roles is critical to delivering the timely and effortless experience that customers expect. AI users achieve a 5.5x greater YoY increase in employee engagement.”
Aberdeen Research CX Leaders’ Agenda Survey

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Related Resources

How Agents Benefit from Automated Interaction Summaries

Eliminating manual work empowers agents to deliver exceptional CX.

Enlighten AI for CX: Driving Innovation from Vision to Reality

See your data in a whole new light, leading you to more effective decision-making.

The State of AI in the Contact Center Research Report

Eliminating manual work empowers agents to deliver exceptional CX.